Fun Acrylic Paint Pour on Canvas with Inky Spirits
I recently had the chance to join Sharon, from Inky Spirits, to learn about Acrylic Paint Pour on canvas and some other cool techniques. I took a shot or two at a pour and it was fun! I am not surprised that this is such a rapidly growing hobby for so many artists. Check out this video, or any in her video series on acrylic paint pours at or view it here:
Sharon is a tremendously talented artist in acrylic pours, alcohol inks, and does a lot of beautiful jewelry, too. Check out her website at She has a fantastic studio area in Florida. She invited me to learn more about the technique and how to manipulate the paint to get the best results.
There are a lot of great tips she offers across the entire series. Do we set paint on fire? Why? What is cell magic? What is a Dutch Pour versus a layered pour? Why do you use plastic straws? What makes a great pour vs. a botched one (and trust me, we did that, too!) And stay tuned for my favorite technique – glitter sprinkles!
And yes, that is my sister! We actually ramble on for three different videos in this series. She answers so many questions for this newbie. And excuse the hokey jokes, we are just two girls probably sniffing too many paint fumes on a summer night.
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