Back to School with Tim Holtz’s Creative Chemistry

This year has been a challenge for all of us in different ways. Last year, my sister stayed with me for a few months during the beginning of the pandemic outbreak. (That is until the pipes in my ceiling sprung a leak and we had to move out for five months…a story for another day.) I was grateful to have a crafting companion to share the endless days of quarantine and uncertainty. We opted to do something fun to raise our spirits. Being HUUUUGE Tim Holtz fans, we went back to “school”. We enrolled in Tim Holtz’s Creative Chemistry classes.

Foundations for Creative Chemistry Classes

The Creative Chemistry classes come as a progressive three-part series. You can take just one or advance to take all three. You do have to complete 101 before you can progress to 102 and 103. Here is a link to check it out:

What I appreciate most about Tim Holtz’s Creative Chemistry is that I can set the pace of how often and how quickly I want to make and learn. I often wanted to back up or pause the video to fully dive into the technique Tim was presenting. The great part of having my sister along was that we could inspire each other and share our results. Trust me, we had very different takes and interpretations for each make. I also enjoyed watching our mixed media confidence grow.

Keeping up with Tim helped me get out of my tendency to over think before I act. Matter of fact, my sister frequently announced, “Oh no, she’s going off the grid” when I was working on a module. I took that as a win! Sometimes we would spend a few nights on the same technique until we felt we had mastered it (ha!). We didn’t camp out long because we usually grew too impatient to see what technique the next segment would bring.

If you have ever taken a Tim Holtz class, or watched any of his YouTube or Facebook demonstration videos, you know he is a very charismatic and thoughtful instructor. Creative Chemistry is an outstanding video series to help you start where you are now. As you move through the class, you expand your skills in all kinds of mixed media and papercraft elements. You won’t have everything needed to do every technique. Some tools or supplies have been retired, or improved, since the filming of Class 101 and Class 102. The point is to get creative and improvise with what you DO have on hand. Nothing is absolute and there is no hard sell.

At the time of this post, the classes are still a tremendous value. Tim Holtz’s Creative Chemistry 101 is $35, Creative Chemistry 102 and 103 are $25 each. For $85 total you have access to a library of creativity for a lifetime. You can watch them at any time. Revisit often. Nothing times out or expires.

Since last year, I have completed all three Creative Chemistry classes three times over. The last time I did the trio of classes, I only created holiday-themed projects. It was an especially helpful way to kick-start my creativity on days when I was feeling less than energetic. After a few minutes of watching one of the videos, I was renewed with some fantastic projects to show for it. Many of the practice pieces I made in Creative Chemistry ended up as starters for holiday and birthday cards.

Another feature of the classes that I loved, was the ability to print a certificate of completion at the end of each Creative Chemistry classes. You bet we looked forward to waving our certificates in the air at the end of each class. It was an accomplishment! We even had a mock graduation party at the end of Creative Chemistry 103. Another great feature includes access to a photo library of makers’ projects. Tim also offers the ability to print the PDFs of the material lists and step by step instructions for each technique. An old school binder works great to store all the projects and the samples of your work. There are other bonus features with each of the Creative Chemistries, but I will let you be surprised.

Now it is a year later, and I still declare that I am “Going off the Grid” when I try something new. My sister’s nickname became “The Inker” during our Creative Chemistry journey because of her instant attraction to the cool alcohol ink projects. Today, she is a blossoming alcohol ink artist selling her work on line. Go figure!

We are still stuck on pandemic lockdown for the most part. It helps to know there are creative communities and artists everywhere sharing their brilliance and lifting each other up. I enjoy watching the latest innovations and techniques, but I keep returning to Creative Chemistry. Like an athlete, we have to keep doing our practice laps to keep agile. Each time I challenge myself in a new way. I rediscover techniques that I forgot I knew how to do. I deepen what I am already good at doing.

If you try Creative Chemistry, I would love to know about your experience. As for me, I am going off the grid this week and do another round of classes.

Be safe, be well and stay sparky!

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